How we work
We aim to assist you in making the right choices when doing cultivations in microplates using our products, in the best possible manner.
If you are new to Enzyscreen (or are about to start a new project) you can start with sending us the following information by mail, to :
- What type of strain / cell line is being used
- The type of product of interest (e.g. an enzyme, an antibody, a secondary metabolite, etc)
- The cultivation time (number of days)
- What the minimally required culture volume is
- The number of clones/mutants/cell lines/conditions to be screened
- The type of orbital shakers available in your lab (what trade mark, what shaking diameter)
Contact us
The best way to contact us is to use the form below. However, you may also contact Wouter Duetz directly by e-mail. This e-mail address can be found on the "about us" page.
Optionally you may provide us with additional details about your project; culture type & duration, throughput and desired culture volumes.
We are happy to assist you. We generally reply within a single business day.